

SJIS Peaks with Maths Olympiad

SJIS students, Cheah Choon Sam, Wayan Wong Jianwei, Ewan Koay, Tan Jia Jun, Hwang Chaeeun, Kim Dahye did the school proud winning silver and bronze awards as well as a certificate of participation for the Asia International Mathematical Olympiad Union…

Founder’s Day and Teachers Day at SJIS

Kuala Lumpur – The month of May set aside for Teachers Day celebrations, usually observed globally on 16 May, was observed in St. John’s International School (SJIS) with much meaning and significance for SJIS teachers and students on 25 May,…

Majlis Berbuka Puasa Amal SJIS 2018

Kuala Lumpur – St. John’s International School (SJIS) hosted parents, students and staff to a Buka Puasa Charity Ramadhan programme that featured the 36 children between ages of 12 to 16 years of Rumah Kasih Nurul Hasanah from Ampang, Kuala…

SJIS Carnival

The inaugural SJIS Carnival which was held on Saturday, 30 September 2017, organised by the SJIS Interact Club was a resounding success. The objective of nurturing the spirit and skills of entrepreneurship amongst the students, guided by the dedicated teachers…

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