“… face the challenges that will shape you to be better and be more grounded, and don’t forget to celebrate every small triumph – that is the everlasting essence of success!” As this uplifting message boomed from the podium of the main hall, the guests applauded in agreement.
On the 17th of February 2023, nearly two years after the pandemic, our 11th Awards Day was physically held at St John’s Institution Hall. The Awards Day is an inspiring event that acknowledges students’ hard work throughout the academic year. We believe in rewarding students for their efforts in striving for excellence as it gives them a sense of accomplishment and pride. Our guests of honor for this prestigious event included Y.M. Tunku Dato’ Yaacob Khyra, Chairman of Board of Governors, Ms. Anne Rajasaikaran, CEO of Edumaax Education Group, Y.M. Tunku Dato Seri (Dr.) Iskandar, Y.M. Tunku Dato’ Ahmad Burhanuddin, Datin Seri Maneesah, Dato’ Hajah Satinah Syed Saleh,Tuan Megat Mizan Nicholas Denny, Ms. Yap Sit Yee and Mr. Arvin.
The celebration began with singing the “NegaraKu” which was led by the upper primary students from St. John’s International Primary School, followed by a stirring rendition of our school anthem “Faith and Fortitude”. A welcoming speech was given by the SJIP Acting Principal, Ms. Mehala Mohan to all distinguished guests and followed by a speech from Ms. Anne Rajasaikaran, CEO of Edumaax Education Group.