SJIS hosted a personal development talk session for year 10 students on the 1st of August, 2019. The session was led by our very own Alumni represented by Mr.AndrewAnel, Ms.Primeela Gunalan and Mr.Nelson Lim.
We should be always receptive and open to young minds’ creative way of thinking and allow innovative ideas from them for the betterment and enhancement of growth in every aspect, to be great achievers in their life. Connecting and interacting with Alumni who have gone through the process and attained success in various fields of their choice of career, will serve as a great help and a contributing factor towards the current students to look up to these Alumni’s experience in the current students’ interested field.

A total of 150 students participated and all of them enjoyed the productive and beneficial talk. The session provided an opportunity for an open dialogue between Alumni and the participating students. Alumni shared their invaluable experiences with the students in various aspects of their career life.
The students had a fruitful 1 hour session which was from 2pm to 3pm. We firmly believe that they had gained knowledge and information with lots of inputs from the Alumni including guidelines to prepare for their bright future in the course of their favoured career. We are delighted that we have been able to develop an informative and productive session to bring students together with a group of dedicated Alumni who had achieved success in their very own Uni life.
The session was conducted successfully and ended with Q&A session followed by the Presentation of Certificates for all participants by SJIS Principal,Mr.Suresh.