“Lasallian Education: Touches the heart and mind of every student whether they realise it or not.” – Charlotte Viguerie

We were honoured to have Mr. Isaac Stephen, the programme coordinator of Ipoh La Salle centre, with us during SJIS Campus 1 Monday assembly (8/7/19). This was in line with the 300th anniversary after Saint La Salle’s entry into eternal life – his mission was to provide a human and Christian education, especially to the poor, remains strong with the Brothers and Lasallian Partners serving more than one million young people in 1,000 ministries in 80 countries. Lasallian education centers focus more on values and personal relationships, emphasizing academic excellence, inclusion, respect for the individual, service and social justice.

Mr. Isaac has emphasised greatly on the importance of attending school both on personal and national level education which have been shown to increase economic growth and stability. One of the most important benefits of education is how it improves personal lives and helps societies run smoothly. Students should be aware of the dignity which should be accorded to every individual as a human being, and of how the provision of basic needs especially education, is vital to human dignity. He also mentioned that it is important to serve the community by reaching out to the society in ways we can as this will promote a holistic education. These are all in accordance with the three Lasallian values: Faith in God, Working Together as a Community and Spirituality, and Self Respect.

He ended his speech by encouraging our SJIS students to enjoy school while they have the opportunity, honour their teachers and learn to explore all the possibilities provided in the education field.

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