SJIS 4th Board of Governors Meeting & Dinner

The 4th SJIS Board of Governors (BOG) Meeting was recently held at St. John’s International School, Kuala Lumpur on 3rd March 2017. Certificates of Appointment were also presented to a few members in acknowledgement of their eminent role in the stewardship of the school.

The BOG meeting is held to update members of the board in regards to the performance of SJISin terms of its academic and extra co-curricular activities. The principal as secretary of the BOG also presents recent highlights of activities by students, and also teachers and staff. Such a meeting is held regularly
to ensure all BOG members are aware of recent developments taking place in the school, as well as future plans for SJIS.

At the end of the meeting, members had a walk-about around the school campus, before adjourning to the Royal Lake Club, at Taman Tasik Perdana, Kuala Lumpur for their BOG dinner.

avathar SJIS Bot