SJIS Animal Rescue (MIAR)

Malaysia Independent Animal Rescue (MIAR)

Deepa Grace

Love of animals is a universal impulse, a common ground on which all of us may meet. By loving and understanding animals, perhaps we humans shall come to understand each other.

-Louis J. Camuti

Volunteering in an animal shelter is a good experience where one is educated on how to take care of animals. Though we believe it is the responsibility of the NGO’s or pet shelters to ensure that animal rights are respected and observed by all, it is also our responsibility too to take care of animals that we’re in contact with.

Sjis Animal Rescue

On 19th October 2019, St. John’s International School’s Alumni and Interact Club student representatives have initiated and joined hands with Malaysia Independent Animal Rescue (MIAR) to help its shelter. The volunteer day also indicated that strays like dogs and cats are social animals; therefore, they need to be treated with care at all times.

We had 29 representatives in total, and the volunteer day was held in the animal shelter which is located in Puchong, from 9.00am till 1.00pm. The volunteers helped out by feeding and spending some quality time with the animals.

The Alumni and Interact Club student representatives had a great experience volunteering at the shelter. This eye opening experience made them realised that those wonderful pets found in the shelter in need of love and care.In conclusion, the volunteer day was indeed a success as it helped strengthening the relationship between SJIS Alumni and the present students. This event has also taught them the importance of respecting animal rights and their wellbeings. Volunteering at the shelter made the alumni and students realised the crucial bond between human and animals as those once abandoned strays can actually become the best companion to human beings.

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