SJIS Carnival

The inaugural SJIS Carnival which was held on Saturday, 30 September 2017, organised by the SJIS Interact Club was a resounding success. The objective of nurturing the spirit and skills of entrepreneurship amongst the students, guided by the dedicated teachers and staff was achieved through the concerted efforts of the SJIS community; friends, family and the society.

The main aim of hosting the carnival was fulfilled; that of channelling part of the proceeds collected towards worthy causes. Part of the funds raised during the carnival were channelled to the Tabung Pahlawan; in aid of our country’s fallen or wounded heroes and their families, the Zoo Negara and Budimas Charitable Foundation; in support of their Food Charity Foundation. There was also a blood donation drive organised by St John Ambulance Malaysia and SJIS St John Ambulance. The drive received a generous reception from the SJIS staff and other donors who donated their blood for a good cause.

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