14th Private and International School Fair (PISF)

The 14th Private and International School Fair (PISF), Kuala Lumpur, was held on 2nd and 3rd November 2019 from 11am-7pm in Mid Valley Exhibition Centre. St. John’s International School (SJIS) had a booth of its own, to have a share at promoting the finest holistic education it can offer.

These two days saw a good number of visitors from all walks of life, making enquiries at our booth; SJIS even bagged 10 registrations on-the-spot! On the first day, there was a total of 98 enquiries, while on the second day, there was an impressive turnout of 111 interested parties. These enquiries comprised of kindergarten, primary and secondary education, as well as A Level studies.

SJIS Management would like to take this opportunity to thank the Marketing and Academic Team for their outstanding perseverance and positive mindset throughout the PISF. Our humble gratitude also goes out to the parents and everyone who visited our booth these two days. We thank you for making the smart choice in ensuring a brighter future for your children, and we hope to serve you better.