“The only safe ship in a storm is leadership.” – Faye Wattleton

The SJIS prefects certainly put the saying ‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’ at the heights of its meaning.

32 inspiring leaders joined the External Prefects Camp, which was held from 27th May 2019 to 29th May 2019, in Pulau Pangkor.

On Day One, around 6.20am, the Year 10 and Year 11 prefects, accompanied by 4 teachers, headed to Marina Jetty. The group boarded the ferry to Pangkor, and upon arrival, everyone was transported to Palma Beach Resort where plans and briefings were laid out. The first few hours post-arrival was ‘free and easy’ as everyone enjoyed the freedom of exploring nature at its finest. After that, they embraced the opportunity of feeding the hornbills – the students paid close attention to the experts before carefully feeding the beautiful species.

The Only Safe Ship In A Storm Is Leadership
The Only Safe Ship In A Storm Is Leadership 2
The Only Safe Ship In A Storm Is Leadership 3

Day Two was more adventurous and fulfilling as the prefects took part in Team Building activities. The first part comprised of water activities – kayaking, snorkeling, fish feeding and island hopping. The young leaders enjoyed themselves and displayed great team spirit, despite the tiring challenges. After a relaxing lunch by the beach, the eventful day continued with more games. ‘The Elephant Game’ focused on attentiveness, strategy building, coordination and teamwork while ‘The Spiderman Game’ entailed the importance of having and instilling trust on your team members. The final game was a modification of ‘Broken Telephone’, whereby unlike the classic ending, the last person had to write down the message that was passed.

The peak of Day Two was the bonfire. Nothing can beat the feeling of sitting by the beach and admiring nature, while facing and listening to the cracklings given out by the fire.
Day Three was more relaxing and laid back as students played by the beach once again, before they made their way back to the Marina Jetty to return to KL. All in all, it was an inspiring external camp for the prefects as they felt at one with Nature while realising the importance of unity and leadership in bringing a team forward. Parting with Nature was not easy, but as they left their footprints and hearts in Pangkor, they realised that the experiences gained and memories made will last a lifetime.

“We are tied to the ocean. And when we go back to the sea, whether it is to sail or to watch – we are going back from whence we came.” -John F. Kennedy

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avathar SJIS Bot