avathar SJIS Bot


Depth of Knowledge Assessment (DOKA)

One of the endlessly alluring aspects of mathematics is that its thorniest paradoxes have a way of blooming into beautiful theories.” —Philip J Davis Depth of Knowledge Assessment (DOKA)* is the latest annual mathematical problem-solving assessment organized by SMO Education…

The Beaver Computational Thinking Competition

The Beaver Computational Thinking Competition 1

The Beaver Computational Thinking Competition is an online competition organised to raise interest in computer science concepts and logical problem solving among students. This competition was held on 17th April 2019, Wednesday, in SJIS Campus 1 ICT Lab. “Beaver” has…

The Math Wizards

On the 21st March 2019, SJIS lower and upper secondary students took part in the Kangaroo Maths Competition, an annual international school competition for primary and secondary school students. Originating in France and administered globally by Association Kangourou sans Frontieres…

1 + 1 = REWARDS!

The SJIS Mathematics team were proud to participate in the prestigious Singapore Math Team Global Challenge (SINGA), held in Kuala Lumpur from 17th-19th November 2018. This was the inaugural edition of the competition, and it was much more than a…

Founder’s Day and Teachers Day at SJIS

Kuala Lumpur – The month of May set aside for Teachers Day celebrations, usually observed globally on 16 May, was observed in St. John’s International School (SJIS) with much meaning and significance for SJIS teachers and students on 25 May,…

Majlis Berbuka Puasa Amal SJIS 2018

Kuala Lumpur – St. John’s International School (SJIS) hosted parents, students and staff to a Buka Puasa Charity Ramadhan programme that featured the 36 children between ages of 12 to 16 years of Rumah Kasih Nurul Hasanah from Ampang, Kuala…

SJIS Carnival

The inaugural SJIS Carnival which was held on Saturday, 30 September 2017, organised by the SJIS Interact Club was a resounding success. The objective of nurturing the spirit and skills of entrepreneurship amongst the students, guided by the dedicated teachers…